What's your understanding of travel etiquette?

1 of 10

Do you research the customs of the destination country before traveling?

2 of 10

Do you respect the local dress code when visiting religious sites?

3 of 10

Do you ask for permission before taking photographs of locals?

4 of 10

Do you avoid feeding or touching wildlife when visiting natural habitats?

5 of 10

Do you follow the proper tipping etiquette in restaurants and hotels?

6 of 10

Do you respect the local customs regarding personal space and physical contact?

7 of 10

Do you learn a few basic phrases in the local language before traveling?

8 of 10

Do you turn off your electronic devices during flights?

9 of 10

Do you avoid loudly speaking or playing music in public spaces?

10 of 10

Do you respect the environment and dispose of trash properly when traveling?

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